Project Info
Project Description
Balata is a Palestinian refugees camp on the outskirt of Nablus in the West Bank. It hosts around 30,000 refugees and is therefore the most populated refugees camp in Palestine.
We have been received by Mr. Nasser SHARAYAA and Mr. Ahmad DOKAN, the Manager of the Office of the Popular Committee of the camp.
PA.I.S France contibuted to the development of a bakery, intended for the inhabitants, but also for people passing by. Pizzas, pitas and other local pastries are produced there.
On the occasion of Ramadan, 500 meals had been cooked and delivered.
PA.I.S France donated an industrial oven, a mixer to knead the dough as well as the stainless steel work table.
The central committee has also set up a park in the camp, with a small event hall, in order to provide an opportunity for people wishing to organize birthdays and small ceremonies. Adjacent to this park, it has built up a playground for children.